Aged Care Services

Transforming Lives through Aged Care Services

Funding support from the Commonwealth Department of Health (DoH) and the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), supplemented by our Filipino Brokerage Program and other fund-raising activities, provide the primary resources to the organisation for continuously spearheading the provision of culturally sensitive, responsive, person-centered, ethical and quality community aged-care services. These culture-specific services ensure equal access to aged care services available to people aged 60 and over, specifically of Filipino background. Furthermore, they provide equal opportunities to the Filipino older population to enjoy a better quality of live, active choices, and independence within their own cultural context.

What programs are included in aged care?

Funded aged care services of FCCVI include Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP), previously known as Home and Community Care (HACC), and Home Care Packages (HCP), formerly known as Community Aged Care Packages (CACP).

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